The Springfield Centre: Vacancies

Are you driven to increase opportunities for young people to transform themselves and their communities? Can you deliver a programme to enable young people to ‘Explore, Dream, Believe, Achieve’ and so see real change in the community and individual life chances?



Youth Workers (2 x Part Time)

Part time – 9 hours per week each, with some flexibility. Working hours from 3pm onwards. More hours available during school holidays. 

Contract – 6 month contract initially

Location - based at the Springfield Centre

Salary Range: £23,500 to £25,979 FT eq (Hourly rates - £12.05 - £13.32)




We are looking for two skilful and relational youth workers to work with young people in the BD2/10 communities. We are looking for workers capable of leading sessions/leading activities within sessions, and developing small programmes within the wider picture of the centre’s work. These roles will spend the majority of the available time with young people.

You will be confident in working in multiple settings with young people of all ages, many of whom may be vulnerable, display challenging behaviour or have other unmet needs. Settings will include detached work, open/drop-in sessions and targeted group work. Experience of work within or in partnership with schools would be beneficial. As part of the team with the Lead Youth Worker, you will need to be a highly motivated and flexible worker.

The youth work at the Springfield Centre is being developed with support from emerge – a youth work charity in South Bradford.


Closing date for applications – 12 noon, Friday 28th June

Shortlisted Candidates will be invited to interview


To apply, please send your CV and letter of application telling us about yourself and why you are particularly suitable for these roles, to

Download the Job Pack Here:

Springfield Youth Work Job Pack (2x 9 hour roles)
Springfield PT YW Job Pack Spring 2024.d[...]
Microsoft Word document [67.6 KB]
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